Cost of English courses

The cost of English language courses is one of the important factors that we pay attention to when choosing a teaching method or method. Often, cheaper does not mean better, and this must be taken into account.

We offer you to understand how prices for English language courses are formed and what they depend on.

Factors that affect the price:

  1. Training format. The final cost of the English language courses depends on which format you choose (online or offline). The online format is (traditionally) cheaper, because the teacher does not need to spend money on renting an office.

  1. The methodology by which you are learning. If the teacher has created his own, unique methodology or teaches according to some special principle - most likely the cost of such courses will be higher.

  1. Group or individual lessons. Often a lesson in a group is cheaper than in person with a teacher, because an individual approach and time are the main factors that form the cost in this case.

  1. Teacher experience. The presence of certain skills is also one of the factors that contribute to the formation of value.

The language school LINGUO‌ ‌STUDIO (Sumy) invites you to learn foreign languages ​​with our professional teachers. Contact the manager to get the most detailed cost estimate and choose a program, format, and teacher.

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